Monday, March 21, 2022

The 1981 Listening Post - The Slits - The Return of the Slits

 The Slits - The Return of the Slits


October 1981

The Slits

Return of the Giant Slits

Genre: Tribal Punk

1.5 out of 5

I never really “got” The Slits. I didn’t think Cut was as great as touted but that could say more about me than anything else. Weirdly, as Return doubles down on tribal rhythms and tries to eschewed song writing nearly entirely I find myself wondering what I would have thought of it had it been sandwiched between Bow Wow Wow and Adam and the Ants in my record stack. Would I have thought this was the progression road that we should all travel? Or would I discard it due it’s repetition and disaffectedness? 

I lean toward the latter. 

While it starts off enticingly with “Earthbeat” it immediately trashes itself with pretentious tribal beat poetry stream of consciousness “Or What Is It?” And the album never recovers.

The best thing I can say about these songs is that they are boring. Egregious.

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