Friday, March 4, 2022

The 1981 Listening Post - Ludus - The Seduction

 Ludus - The Seduction


September 1 1981


The Seduction

Genre: Pure Post Rock for Jazz People

3.25 out of 5

Post-punk was not something I was acutely aware of back in the day. I never even heard the term. But bands like The Pop Group and Chumbawumba (both of them based on their first albums) opened my eyes and ears and heart to the sounds of destroying the conceits we hold about “music”.

Ludud is taking that to a new level and it’s forcing me to confront something about myself: Namely, is this good? Or am I supposed to think it’s good. 

It’s incredibly challenging,  shifting between styles and tempos and textures, often within a song and it’s harsh. Is it The Pop Group fronted by Siouxie or by Tracey Thorn?

It’s too free form for me to latch on to it beyond this one listen.

But, it’s brilliant. Or It’s awful. 

This album is a fucking Rothko painting. 

Is “White on White” an ironic statement or did someone overpay for a blank canvas?

Is Pollock a genius or expression or is it basically spin art before the spin? 

I have no idea. 

This is an album. 

This released can be found on the link,  Tracks 7-14.

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