Saturday, March 5, 2022

The 1981 Listening Post - The Johnny Van Zant Band - Round Two

The Johnny Van Zant Band - Round Two 


1981 Housekeeping

The Johnny Van Zant Band

Round Two

Genre: Skynyrd’s opening band

3.25 out of 5

Requisite 80s cover: “Drive My Car”.

How many Van Zants are there in the pantheon of rock? Feels like a hundred. 

Van Zant knows what he’s offering up here: It’s more of what we got last year. Hence the name.

And what we get is a perfectly fine example of Skynyrd-esque rock and roll and, well, that makes sense, right? 

We get some love ballads and tunes about rock and roll and then “Night Time Lady” about a prostitute, which bleeds right into that cover of “Drive My Car” and it’s all uneventful. But I imagine that the Night Time Lady got in his car and is the one bouncily singing the “beep beeps”. But I guess, from “Cold Hearted Woman”, he learned what she was really like and was disappointed. Life lessons, amirite, John? I guess he kicks her to the curb in the end and just goes back to what he really wants to do, which  is “play my music!” Which, as he says, he “loves”.

There are a host of bands trying their hands at blues rock these days. I was just listening to The Temperance Movement and Sam Coffey and the Iron Lungs and a few others. And they are all pretty good. I’m not unhappy when they come up on my personalized “radio” that Apple Music offers. 

I’m not going to fast forward through them but I’m also not gonna buy a t-shirt. 

I don’t think I’ve ever seen a Johnny Van Zant T-shirt. Have you? 

Fun fact: Jonathan Cain and Steve Perry sing backing vox on this.

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