Sunday, December 17, 2023

The 1981 Listening Post - The Modern-ettes - Gone...but Not Forgotten

 Reviewed by Allen Lulu

Released: 1981 The Modern-ettes Gone... But Not Forgiven Genre: Garage Rating: 3.25 out of 5 Highlights: Suicide Club This is a terrible sounding record. The mix is off on everything. It sounds like it was transferred to cassette and that cassettes was run over by a Caterpillar tractor in Omaha, buried in the field, unearthed after a frosty winter, dried off and then put in a cassette-to-cassette recorder and became the source for what the ultimate product was that ended up on Spotify. Or it was recorded badly and live. Okay. I just looked up this record. It was recorded live and only 300 were pressed. Good for these guys (and good on the Listening Post crack research team for finding it!). I really wish it was better but the songs aren’t catchy or interesting. They would fit on a double bill with The Rats. Did they go into an actual studio to record “Suicide Club” & “Barbra”? Those give a bit of a picture of what they might have sounded like if they had a record deal.

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