Sunday, December 17, 2023

The 1981 Listening Post - Bad Boy - Private Party

 Reviewed by Rod Brogan

Released: 1981 Bad Boy Private Party Genre: Bad Rock Rating: 1 out of 5 Highlights: (that there's no 13th track) Van Halen if you ordered them on Wish. Hailed by no one outside of the Midwest as "The Band That Milwaukee Made Famous." Here is a list of better things made in Milwaukee: The typewriter, malted milk, the cast iron bathtub, and the Babcock milk tester. 1000 items down the list is Bad Boy. Guitarist/singer Steve Grimm is doing his David Lee Roth "Louis Prima on coke" imitation. The rest of the band is doing an AOR songwriter imitation. Put on the pablum, I mean album, and thrill to "verse-chorus-verse-chorus-solo-chorus-fade out" 10 times in a row. The album sounds like it was recorded live, with minimum overdubs outside of the gang choruses. Everyone is competent. Barely. Fans of the band called them a great bar band. That is probably true. They are decent at 9pm, good at 10pm, really good at 11pm, and sometime around midnight they magically turn into a great band. In a bar. Bad Boy is a bad band whose private party should never be attended.

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