Tuesday, March 5, 2019

The 1984 Listening Post - Romeo Void - Instincts

Romeo Void - Instincts

October 1 1984
Romeo Void
2.5 out of 5

Its Too Easy
Six Days and One

One of my absolute favorite records of the 80s is the debut record by Romeo Void, It's a Condition. If I remember correctly, it started off as an art school project. It's minimalist, dangerous, ominous, just fucking excellent. I played the hell out of that record. In fact, I loved it so much that I didn't bother with Benefactor, the one with the actual hit on it.
So, I wasn't even paying attention to them when Instincts came out.
"Just too easy" is like "Never Say Never" Part II. The good news is that I didn't know Iyall ever attempted that sound again so this is almost refreshing. Like an old friend you haven't seen in a while, only to realize that you really missed them.
It's remarkable that I never noticed how much Deborah sounds like Kim Gordon. In fact...did Kim get her sound from Deborah???
Unfortunately the album sounds more like weak B-52s than stark Romeo Void.
It's no surprise that this is the end of the line for this experiment. That they got this far is quite a testament to the era.

Fun fact: The producer wrote an almost instrumental track where the band whispers something inaudible that sounds like it's supposed to be cinematic or dangerous and comes off as neither, but Bossi's sax does succeed in touching on the worst of Kenny G's flavors.
Is it just me or does "A Girl in Trouble" sound awfully Bananarama-esque?

Not so fun fact: Randy "Dawg!" Jackson plays bass on this thing somewhere.


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