Friday, March 8, 2019

The 1984 Listening Post - The Replacements - Let it Be

The Replacements - Let it Be

October 2 1984
The Replacements
Let it Be
4.5 out of 5

I Will Dare
Black Diamond
Answering Machine

Well this is more like it.
It sounds like the rest of the band sobered up and just let Westerberg stay drunk while they played crisp, excellent American punk.
Songs are alternately funny ones about tonsils or boners or unabashed and poignant like "Androgeny".
The cover of "Black Diamond" is something remarkable. A decade removed from Kiss' version the Mats play it without a hint of irony. One could be excused for thinking they wrote it themselves.
In contrast to the edgy hardcore sound of "I'm Coming Out", "Unsatisfied" is equally punk, a visceral cry, an anthem for Gen X if there ever was one.
This could be Gen X's signature defining record, if we are making a list. It's definitely one of them, for sure.
The lyrics for “Seen Your Video” could be the theme song for easily 30% of the albums heard on this project.

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