Tuesday, March 19, 2019

The 1984 Listening Post - Celtic Frost - Morbid Tales

Celtic Frost - Morbid Tales

November 1984
Celtic Frost
Morbid Tales
2 out of 5

You know how the neighbors know that my wife and kids aren't home?
I play this stuff at 11 on all the speakers in the house. Not because I love it, I really don't. But because I'm not sure there's any other way to play it.
Do you put it on as background music? No. It's not meant for that.
It has to be played at a level that makes your parents shout, "You're gonna hurt your ears!"
Well, that may be. But what is life, if not choices?

I choose to never listen to this again.
By the time I got to "Dethroned Emperor" all I could see were images of Gwar on The Jerry Springer Show.
Every song starts off sounding like it might go someplace good, like the guitarist's impulses are toward the accessible and then the drummer gets up, kicks him in the nuts and forces him to get with the goddamn shredding program while the singer wishes he was in Crass.

This hurts my brains.


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