Monday, March 4, 2019

The 1984 Listening Post - Dalbello - womanfoursays

Dalbello - whomanfoursays

1984 Housekeeping
4.25 out of 5

Gonna Get Close to You
Cardinal Sin

This album opens with a song that sounds like a dejected and angry female response to Prince’s music. It works because it’s tight, taut and soulful. I don’t know if the singer wants to get “close” because she loves the object or wants to kill him. That menace pervades. 
There is a contemporary artist named Meg Myers. Her music is similar to this. Studio created, ominous, a little more sexual but a lot of that could be because we are an even more progressive society than we were in the 80s. 
Dalbello is what you get if you take the opera out of Annie Lennox and inject her with more Cristina. 
This is a record for those who like Laurie Anderson, Annie Lennox, Kate Bush, Cristina and any and all of those solo female drivers in the 80s who were not Madonna and, in a different world, a better world, Dalbello takes the world by storm and Madonna is in the dance chorus of Miss Saigon. 

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