Tuesday, March 5, 2019

The 1984 Listening Post - Bachman-Turner Overdrive - Bachman-Turner Overdrive

Bachman-Turner Overdrive - Bachman-Turner Overdrive

September 1984
Bachman-Turner Overdrive
Bachman-Turner Overdrive
1.5 out of 5

In the Soulseek era one band stood out among many. A band whose music I never heard, never could get my hands on but I kept seeing their name and never forgot it. Much like in my youth when I heard the name "The Very Idea of Fucking Hitler" but never the band, seared into my brain in "Kathleen Turner Overdrive". A band that I wish and hope was as terrific as their name. I forgot about them until I had to hear this Molly Hatchet wannabe record by BTO.
What's wrong with Randy Bachman? Did he always sound like he was angry that a cattle prod was being shoved up his ass? This isn't singing. And these songs are the kinds of tracks you make when you hate your fans, don't care if you ever get a record deal again and are trying to blow it all up, along with all the coke.

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