Saturday, March 2, 2019

The 1984 Listening Post - America - Perspective

America - Perspective

September 21 1984
1.5 out of 5

"(Can't Fall Asleep to A) Lullaby" was co-written by Billy Mumy. Yes, Will Robinson. The cornfield kid. He has been in a band with someone I know, The Jenerators, for years. If they still play. Nothing ever came of them, tho. Billy did have a hit as Barnes & Barnes with “Fish Heads”. So, we’re talking THAT level of craft here. 

Look at that cover. See, they are standing in front of a building and the building is drawn to look really really tall. It’s all about perspective, see? Like, from one perspective America writes soft, benign songs that you can put on in the tape deck of your yacht as you sail off to the sunset. On the other hand, perhaps you have America actually on the yacht and they are playing live. And you set the ship to autopilot and take your guests on to the dingy and back to shore and watch as the explosive you put in the hull of the ship explodes and America and their vast catalog of garbage music sinks into the pacific. 


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