Wednesday, March 13, 2019

The 1984 Listening Post - Paul McCartney - Give My Regards to Broad Street

Paul McCartney - Give My Regards to Broad Street

October 22 1984
Paul McCartney
Give My Regards to Broadstreet
1.25 out of 5

Why the fuck does this exist? Whose idea was this? I don't even want to spend any time writing about it. I had to listen to it.
You know what I learned from this?
No, not that I've heard enough Beatles to sate whatever hunger I might have had decades ago.
No, what I've learned is that, if there was no McCartney Imma bet you there's no "Yacht Rock" and I hate Yacht Rock.
You heard me. One Yacht Rock song is enough to satisfy that craving for a decade. And that's all this is. Put a fucking Captain's hat on Macca and be done with it.

Look, I happen to love shit like "Silly Love Songs". But, why redo it? Why make it...worse? It's not funkier. It's not edgier. YOU CAN'T MAKE THAT SONG FUNKY OR EDGY, PAUL! Leave it the fuck alone!!!

Were you looking for a nine minute!! Al Fresco Italian restaurant version of Eleanor Rigby! Mac’s got ya covered.

I would give this a 1.5 but, what the actual fuck is he doing on the cover? Showing a dentist where the pain is? Scratching a zit? Is this how a knight "contemplates"?
Points lost for it.

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