Tuesday, March 19, 2019

The 1984 Listening Post - Gangway - The Twist

Gangway - The Twist

November 1984
The Twist
3.25 out of 5

Violence, Easter & Christmas

Jangle Pop meets The Style Council. Or Jangly Dream Pop. What would The Smiths sound like if Morrissey was not someone I was afraid would drink bleach and the rest of the band grew up in a sunnier climate with parents that loved and hugged them?

I chose to intersperse this with Celtic Frost because no two records could be as different (well, there's a LOT that could be different but far be it from to hide from hyperbole).
It made the listening experience very weird but here's the thing:
I would have thought that one being a respite for the other would engender a higher rating for the less offensive. This was not the case.
Instead what it caused is a whiplash case of dizziness.

So, when the percussion driven mood piece "What?" arrived I was taken aback. I actually thought maybe I was still listening to death metal.
More whiplash.

It gets a bit wobbly in the middle but recovers nicely by doubling down on The Smiths on a Carousel "Violence, Easter & Christmas" only to become twee & feeble toward the end.


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