Friday, March 8, 2019

The 1984 Listening Post - Armored Saint - March of the Saint

Armored Saint - March of the Saint

October 9 1984
Armored Saint
March of the Saint
2.25 out of 5

The cover looks like Monty Python and the Holy Grail.
The music sounds like Spinal Tap.
And, while I'm pretty burned out on the whole medieval metal sound this one is at least sort of...not fun...weird? Like what is "Stricken By Fate"? Awful, yes, but...unlike just about any other thing I've heard in this genre in 84.
The lead singer sounds like James Hetfield if he was fronting this sort of band, but, don't get me wrong, he's not even as good a singer as James, who is kind of a shitty singer to begin with.
Somewhere between boogie rock and metal is the lead single, "Can U Deliver".
Don't get me wrong, this isn't good. But at least it's not satanic.
However, when a dual guitar attack metal album is on and you've completely forgotten about it you've got to take some points off.

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