Tuesday, March 19, 2019

The 1984 Listening Post - Omen - Battle Cry

Omen - Battle Cry

November 1 1984
Battle Cry
2.75 out of 5

Last Rites

Has anyone seen Omen and Manowar in the same venue? Or Grim Reaper? Or Venom? Or Armored Saint? Or Metal Church??
I bet a metal fest of these bands would be awesome AND they could just swap out players one by one throughout the night, never stop playing and no one would be the wiser.

I totally get why parents would think that there was an enveloping cult of Satan worshippers poised to steal their children away. I don't know how many of these bands lived the life of the songs they wrote, I can't imagine it was that many.
Here's the thing about Omen, though. Where all those bands thought they were the next coming of Priest, this sounds like a band trying to be Iron Maiden.
Now, I blew out my eardrums on Powerslave so I've had to ease back on the banging of the head but I could find myself digging some of this, especially the fretwork on "Be My Wench" and "Bring Out the Beast" which is some monster shredding.

Look, it's chukka-chukka axework and sometimes it delivers and other times it doesn't.

I really thought this would rank higher and then I tallied the songs and...nope.

I really wanted the chorus of "The Axeman" to be "Bow down to the ass, man!" but I don't get what I want most of the time, so I'm used to it.


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