Friday, March 1, 2019

The 1984 Listening Post - The dB's - Like This

The dB's - Like This

September 12 1984
The dB’s
Like This
3.5 out of 5

So many of the bands I played with from 2001-2006 on the LA circuit owe as much to The dB’s as they do any of the power pop rockers of the 70s. 
I still don’t know why Marsha the booker at The Gig thought Sparky would match up well with a melodic power pop act like The Piper Downs, obvious disciples of Holsapple & Stamey. My band was more like The Rezillos meets Meatloaf. But still and all that brought me into a circle of musicians I still consider friends and happily listen to to this day. 
The roots of which trace back to these guys. 
No more Stamey but still good. Catchy as hell. Smart and crisp. The dB’s can almost do no wrong. 
In their more mainstream songs, They Might Be Giants sounds like the logical outgrowth of this. Where dB’s end Apollo 18 begins. 
I’m happy to have this album on at any time. It’s unobtrusive and often hook laden but it’s also gentle enough that it can exist without taking over your life. It’s solid enough. 

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