Wednesday, March 6, 2019

The 1984 Listening Post - This Mortal Coil -This Mortal Coil

This Mortal Coil - This Mortal Coil

October 1 1984
This Mortal Coil
This Mortal Coil
3.75 out of 5

This one is fascinating. A collection of 4AD artists on what is a sort of sampler put together by the owner of the label.
As the song "Holocaust" by Big Star's Alex Chilton, (originally from Big Star's Third/Sister Lovers album) played in the background, I was sipping my coffee and my son was drawing.
"This is making me sad."
"Your drawing, Zack?"
"No. This music. Can we listen to something else? This is making me feel sad."
And that's this record.
As the dreamy & wistful "Another Day" played, Beth walked through, collecting one of the kids for school, saying, "Is this Kate Bush? Sounds like Kate Bush." It's not. But it's so close one could be forgiven for mistaking Cocteau Twins Liz Fraser for Ms. Bush.
Sometimes it feels like it's worshipping at the altar of The Cure's Seventeen Seconds. And for that I can only think of 2 reasons I would return to this: I want something on in the background while I read a light biography or I am depressed and need a soundtrack.
This reminds me of Random, an album of reinterpretations of Gary Numan songs. I appreciate it, but don't really need it.

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