Tuesday, March 19, 2019

The 1984 Listening Post - The Honeydrippers - The Honeydrippers Vol. 1

The Honeydrippers - The Honeydrippers Vol. 1

November 12 1984
The Honeydrippers
The Honeydrippers Vol. 1
3.5 out of 5

Young Boy Blues

Exception time.
I know I said, "No Eps!" but this one had a huge impact on radio and MTV at the time and I don't think I can avoid it.
I, like many, have only heard the Big Single! which, I had no idea, was the B-Side and when it became a huge success, mortified Plant.
I'm glad. I can't stand the Zeppelin adoration. I've gone on record as saying that, while they did amazing stuff with it, they were basically a covers band who didn't give credit and proceeded to make millions off the work of others. It took over 2-3 decades for amends to be made to the original bluesmen from whom they stole.
This is compounded for me because I think Greta Van Fleet got a bad rap for echoing Zep's sound and yet, their songs were all originals.
If those same reviewers were either reviewing in 1969 or Zeppelin came out today, they would be lambasting Page and Plant for ripping off others.
Add to that, Plant's offering of "Innuendo" at the Freddie Mercury Concert for Life, blending into "Kashmir" was atrocious.
And that I really didn't care for his Principle of Moments record last year I was really glad to read that he was worried that he would suddenly be perceived as not a "rock singer" because of this ep.
I don't want him to suffer, just be annoyed. Cuz he and they annoy me.
Is this any good?
It's fine. It's as good as Los Lobos. And it's short. It exists. I'm so happy there was never a Vol. 2.


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