Tuesday, March 19, 2019

The 1984 Listening Post - Molly Hatchet - The Deed is Done

Molly Hatchet - The Deed is Done

November 1 1984
Molly Hatchet
The Deed is Done
2.25 out of 5

Oh, man.
The great keyboard virus has infected Hatchet now.
This album makes me want to go back and re-rate all the other Molly Hatchet albums and lower their rating by a full point as a punishment.
To be fair, they've never rated higher than a 3.something but this is some of the least interesting beer festival band music I've subjected myself to.
"Heartbreak Radio" is as near as the boys get to something that sounds like a hit. It's not great by a long shot but it hews back to some of their more serviceable stuff. And "Straight Shooter" has so much country-rock energy I am hard pressed to understand why it's buried so deep into the record?


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