Tuesday, March 19, 2019

The 1984 Listening Post - The Angels - Two Minute Warning

The Angels - Two Minute Warning

November 28 1984
The Angels
Two Minute Warning
2.75 out of 5

Look the Other Way

You know, we've heard a ton of music from Australia. A lot of it has been IMPORTANT (Midnight Oil) or solid rock (Hoodoo Gurus) or angular (Split Enz) but the biggest heroes from Down Under are AC/DC and we've heard very little of that style from Oz.
Until this album.
The songs are solid, guitar driven, top down convertible in the sun, rawk. If only the lead singer didn't sound like they forced their manager to record vocals while in the bathroom suffering from constipation.
This reminds me of the Good Rats. This is neither a compliment or an insult. The Good Rats were neither good nor bad. Which is why you are asking yourself, right now, "Who were the Good Rats?"

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