Friday, July 17, 2020

The 1980 Listening Post - Polyrock - Polyrock

Polyrock - Polyrock

1980 Housekeeping
Genre: Did you know Philip Glass was in a “rock” band????
3.75 out of 5

This Song
Go West

Yes. Philip Glass produced and played keyboards on this synth-wave art rock project and, considering his middling entry into pop music a couple years later, it’s astounding to me that it is as listenable as it is. 
Don’t get me wrong, I love about 25% of Koyaanisqatis, all of Thin Blue Line, 20% of Glass Works and 30% of Songs From Liquid Days.
I could never get through Einstein on the Beach or much of his later work and I used to mock his incessant triplitting. 
I had to endure a 3 hour Alexander Technique class set to his music in a Soho loft. It’s very possible that this class was 1 hour long, however. 
That said, this is exactly where Glass belongs. In a New Wave band with angular herky jerky rhythms. There’s not “great” here but none of it is terrible. It’s all very heady and works for certain moods and milieus. I think I hear his influence most on “No Love Lost”. 
While it gets really repetitive (duh…Glass..) it’s easily my favorite whole work of his. 

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