Friday, July 17, 2020

The 1980 Listening Post -Frank Marino and Mahogany Rush - What's Next

1980 Housekeeping
Frank Marino and Mahogany Rush
What’s Next
Genre: Amped Up Stadium Blues Rawkkk
2.5 out of 5

Requisite 80s Cover: 
“Rock Me Baby” (the definitive version being B.B. King’s) Marino’s is an excuse for him to noodle. Skip it. 
The Doors’ “Roadhouse Blues”. It’s like Frank, whose sensibilities never left the 60s, was determined to find the most famous blues riff of that era to apply his blues breaking style to. He just proves that Jim Morrisson was a sex symbol for good reason. Stick to the original.
Bo Diddley’s “Mona”. 

I’ve never heard of Frank Marino. But I’m betting that a huge number of guitar teachers in the 80s had. Yeah, he’s one of those guys. Practitioners of the blues rock noodle. As the lead vocals fight for dominance with the lead guitar, both of which are Frank, it’s obvious that no one could reign him in. But, then again, with this kind of rock bravado, why would you want to? Marino has a terrible voice and really should have found someone to do that for him because his guitar work is explosively Hendrixian. It’s neat that someone is keeping that flame alive a decade later. But, man is this album boring.

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