Wednesday, May 22, 2019

The 1985 Listening Post - Paul Kelly - Post

Paul Kelly - Post

May 1 1985
Paul Kelly
Genre: Folk Rock
3.75 out of 5 


Incident on South Dowling
Looks So Fine, Feels So Low

A collection of personal songs by Aussie musician and ex leader of The Dots, Post is much better than I expected and easily leaps above the general reviews would have it. He comes across as a bit of a busker and I actually think he lives on the same musical block as Billy Bragg. No, his songs aren’t as ragged or as political but he draws me in and knows how to keep me interested. 
Sounds like Mr. Kelly went through some shit and found his way through it through song. But he didn’t mire it in depression. He wants you to tap your foot and sing along while he bores his way into himself. 
In a way he wants to be Dylan. He kind of succeeds at times. I think he’s a bit more honest about himself at times. 

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