Wednesday, May 22, 2019

The 1985 Listening Post - Fortune - Fortune

Fortune - Fortune

1985 Housekeeping
Genre: Arena Rock
3.75 out of 5

Thrill of it All
Stormy Love
Out on the Streets

Which came first, Fortune or Cutting Crew? The first track would suggest that the Crew heard this album 
and then went to work.
If you’re like me and you dig that Asia/Meat Loaf/Asia/Foreigner when it’s gone well, this is right up your alley. 
I’ve toyed with adding a category to these reviews. DIMO (Did I Miss Out?). I mean, that was the purpose here in the first place, to see if I missed anything now that I have access to virtually everything. 
But that presents another problem: Would I have listened to it back then? If I did, would I have liked it? Do I have new appreciation for it now with a different mindset? 
Case in point:
I like Station. It’s a Brooklyn band that had a great first album. And they are steeped deeply in this Asia/Foreigner/Fortune/BOC/Journey sound. Do I like them ironically? A little. Did I hate this sound to be contrarian and “above it” back then? A lot. 
So, I can’t really do a DIMO category because there is no way I would say that I “missed out” on Fortune. But, now, 34 years later I have a kinder view of it. 
So, DIMO? No. But I do miss this sound. 

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