Wednesday, May 22, 2019

The 1985 Listening Post - Kim Carnes - Barking at Airplanes

Kim Carnes - Barking at Airplanes

May 5 1985
Kim Carnes
Barking at Airplanes
Genre: SynthPop
2.25 out of 5


All I can see in my mind’s eye during this entire atrocity (eSPECIALLY when that male chorus comes in on the opening tack) are gold lame short clad dancers, moving in unison in a triangle behind Kim as a wind machine blows her flaxon trellises amidst a sea of dry iced smoke. 
And that’s this whole damned thing.
“Kimmy! Kimmelah! Get me another one of them ‘Bette Davis Eyes’ tunes! Imma sell a million of em. Already gots the DJs lined up to pump that shit out whenever I tell ‘em it’s go time!”
That’s this record. 
I almost like “Abadabadango”, but only because it comes close to sounding like an ABBA track. 

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