Sunday, May 5, 2019

The 1985 Listening Post - The Delmonas - Dangerous Charms

The Delmonas - Dangerous Charms

1985 Housekeeping
The Delmonas
Dangerous Charms
Genre: 60s Revival
4 out of 5

Wow Now

Who is Billy Childish?
No, really. Who is he?
This is a progenitor of The Pipettes. It seems like Childish put together a faux-sixties girl group, wrote a couple tracks and then produced a bunch of covers. 
You know what?
It’s totally listenable. 
Are you having a party?
Will you be putting on some, say, B52s? Add this one to that set. Seriously. The first two B52s records, this one and the first Pipettes record and you have about 3 hours of excellent retro party stuff.

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