Wednesday, August 10, 2022

The 1982 Listening Post - The Room - Inside Fireworks

The Room - Inside Fireworks 

January 4 1982

The Room

Inside Fireworks

Genre: post-rock

2.5 out of 5


Heat Haze

The mood here is ominous Post rock. These aren’t songs about things they are soundscapes created by jamming together, finding a rhythm and a tone and building around that. 

Which means everything sort of evaporates when it’s over but when it was on I found it semi interesting. 

Much of it reminds of Echo and the Bunneymen but these songs/ideas never reach the lushness of an Ocean Rain or Crocodile or Porcupine. 

Much of it is an excuse to let Dave Jackson express his views and build sounds and rhythms around it.

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