Monday, August 9, 2021

The 1980 Listening Post - Sumner - Sumner

 Sumner - Sumner

January 1980



Genre: 80s Rock/New Wave

3.75 out of 5



No Time to Stop

Anyone know the singer/songwriter Weyes Blood? 

Probably not. It’s a generation or two removed for those of us. She’s pretty interesting.

And, until she was six, she had no idea that her dad was a touring musician with a record contract. 

And that dad is Sumner. Who has the same glam rock sensibilities as, say, Nick Gilder, without the androgynous voice or the catchy single. 

There’s something about rock music in 1980 that is unique. The experimentation hadn’t overwhelmed everybody and the hangover hadn’t set in as it would in 81. Listen to “Wishes” and you hear electric song writing that calls to mind the Cars. It’s not as good as anything on The Cars or Candy O but it’s better than Panorama. 

Jack Nitzsche produced this.  Or, in the case of the uber long side one closer, “Hot Night”, over produced it.

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