Tuesday, September 14, 2021

The 1980 Listening Post - Private Lines - Trouble in School

 Private Lines - Trouble in School

1980 Housekeeping

Private Lines

Trouble in School

Genre: Pomp(ous) Rock

2.25 out of 5

This thing is all over the place that it almost plays like prog but it’s not. Or it doesn’t feel like it wants to be. 

Late 80s Hard Rock vocals and epic stadium reaching playing are pummeled by tempo and melodic changes that make no sense and just sort of appear for the sake of being there. Which kind of sucks because the whole thing COULD have been a treat but it’s so schizophrenic that I just couldn’t keep up. The title track sounds like warmed over Tubes. 

The keyboardist is Bill Pankow. I do not know if he is related to James Pankow of Chicago. Or John Pankow, the actor. 

But, in 2005 I got asked to replace John Pankow in a staged reading of a play called The Kramer co-starring and directed by Barry Miller. This was sort of a dream come true because Barry was an idol of mine when I was young, loving the movie Fame and all. 

He’s a kook, by the way. 

But then Pankow came back to the show and I was asked to step aside. And then they had ANOTHER falling out and I replaced him again. 

I was pretty good. 

There was interest from the studios. 

But then, as often happens, I cooled off. 

I never met Pankow.

I never saw Barry Miller again. 

Life went on. 

It was the last play I was actually in. That, and understudying playing Eugene O’Neill in a play about F. Scott Fitzgerald that resulted in people saying, “Why don’t you do more serious theater? You’re really good at it.”

Cuz, I hate actors and I don’t know why anyone would want to spend 6 weeks rehearsing with them, let alone be inmates a show with those ego-maniacal, insecure narcissists, if you don’t have to. 

Wrong profession? Probably. But I still can’t really play geetar. 


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