Monday, April 1, 2019

The 1984 Listening Post - The Jazz Butcher - A Scandal in Bohemia

The Jazz Butcher - A Scandal in Bohemia

November 1984
The Jazz Butcher
A Scandal in Bohemia
4.25 out of 5

Southern Mark Smith (Big Return)
Marnie (Muscovite Mix)
Caroline Wheeler's Birthday Present

Ah, the joy of discovery.
How many times has that happened to us here?
The Cardiacs.
The Chameleons.
Scott Walker.
The Del-Lords.
The Icycle Works, ffs.

And now, The Jazz Butcher.
I know, I know, you're saying, "The Jazz Butcher? Where ya been, Allen? Everyone loves The Jazz Butcher!"

I don't know who Pat Fish is or really who he reminds me of because he reminds me of so much and yet no one at all. If I had to call it, I would say he's like a British Jonathan Richman if Richman had just that much more musical chops.
"Caroline Wheeler's Birthday Present" is the Fleshtones song the Fleshtones wish they could have written and performed.

From jump this is not the sound of the 80s. It's the sound of the 80s becoming the 90s. It's jangle pop but not cloying. It's a cousin to The Bluebells and, as you will recall, that's a compliment.
But it's also different. There's a ton of different styles happening here. As I said, it sounds like everything and nothing. And all of it is listenable.
Might listen again and rate it higher.

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