Saturday, July 17, 2021

The 1981 Listening Post - Vardis - The World's Insane

 Vardis - The World's Insane


April 1981


The World’s Insane

Genre: Boogie Rock

3.5 out of 5


All You Ever Need

Curse the Gods

Requisite 80s Cover: Hawkwind’s “Silver Lining”.  Um…I’m not sure that qualifies as a “requisite” cover cuz I don’t think they were trying to draw attention the way a good cover should. Like, “Look at this! We are a male fronted band and we are covering Lauper’s “She Bop”! Get it? Cuz it’s a song about female masturbation and this is ironical! Get it!?!?! Huh????” Okay, that band was stoopid but you get the idea. The cover should alter it enough, ala the Residents, or it should be an additional calling card. Unless it opens the record and then you are effed. 

It’s not that “Silver Machine” sounds like a leftover Sweet song that disappoints, it’s that it’s the best track on the record. The cover shouldn’t be. 

I am using the term “Boogie Rock” loosely because, to be honest, I prefer even Handsome Beasts to this. And that’s just because they all sound…bored. 100 MPH showed they had the chops, what they were missing was production. I don’t know what happened to them here but they seem more like they just wanna jam together and hang a “song” on that jam.

I put “All You Ever Need” and “Curse the Gods” on the Highlights just cuz…well…I felt they were good representations of what I’m talking about. 

To be fair, the album picks up steam in the last third but it’s not enough to get me jazzed. 

There’s a reason nobody talks about Vardis.

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