Friday, October 23, 2020

The 1981 Listening Post - Modern Romance - Adventures in Clubland

Modern Romance - Adventures in Clublan


January 1981

Modern Romance

Adventures in Clubland

Genre: This one sneaked through

2.75 out of 5


Had I not had my hands full with pork fat (I was removing the membrane from a slab of ribs) I would have made the case that we shouldn’t bother with this band or album. And then I realized…in a few years McLaren is going to try this street dance sound and do it SO much better. And Adam Ant will also give it a go to middling success in a year or so. 

So, by the time the middle of “Clubland Mix: Everybody Salsa / Moose on the Loose / Salsa Rapp-Sody / Ay Ay Ay Ay Moosey” started with it’s “Hip Hop, hippity hop” and then morphed into what sounds a helluva lot like a hybrid of Blondie’s “Rapture” and Adam and the Ants’ “Ant Rap” I thought, well we really should just talk about it. 

I mean, we aren’t gonna do a lot of rap but it does rear its head and, often as the whitest of white people try to take the sound and add…salsa to it. And, boy is it sad. 

The rest here is club dance stuff that reminds of where The Clash might’ve ended up hand not smarter heads prevailed.

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