Friday, October 23, 2020

The 1981 Listening Post - Cirith Ungol - Frost and Fire

 Cirith Ungol - Frost and Fire


January 1981

Cirith Ungol

Frost and Fire

Genre: American Priest

2.75 out of 5

In every junior or  high school across the land there’s a rock band. A group of kids who are learning to play and get together to jam cuz rock is life, man. 

We had one at our school. 

You probably had one, too. 

And they played a lot of Zeppelin. They tried to play Rush. They all had copies of The Silmarillion. Or they mocked kids who had copies of The Silmarillion. 

Imagine that band. Most likely they all went off to different careers, lives, families. 

But, what about that high school band that just…kept…going? And, eight years after they put that band together they got a record deal!

And they made the exact record you expected, filled with lead licks and power chords and screeching vocals and on the cover was some medieval Vallejo-wannabe art.

Welcome to Frost and Fire. Cirith Ungol’s first record. 

We know they get faster and more and more terrible but this is their first statement and it sounds exactly like a high school Judas Priest cover band that decided to try to write their own stuff.

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