Friday, October 23, 2020

The 1981 Listening Post - Afraid of Mice - Afraid of Mice

 Afraid of Mice - Afraid of Mice


1981 Housekeeping

Afraid of Mice

Afraid of Mice

Genre: Bowave

3.25 out of 5

Normally I adore Tony Visconti. Not just his Bowie work. He produced Indsicreet for Sparks and Vive Le Rock for Adam Ant and both of them are post-apocalyptic versions of their masters in their own ways.

This, however, is not fun. It’s muddy and I swear the Apple Music version is ripped from a cassette tape. Listen to “Video Queen” and there are skips in the track. Who uploaded this?!? Who is Enterprise Music and how did they allow this!?

But, how are the songs, Allen? 


They want to be The Buggles meets The Cars. I can see them listen to both bands at the same time and then writing “I’m on Fire” in the studio. Or listening to a lot of Sparks just before writing “Intercontinental”. And that last track, “I Will Wait”…it’s as though they knew how bad Gary Numan was gonna get and they decided to show him the future. 

This is a producer’s project. Taking a band that wants to sound important and being given free reign.

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