Wednesday, October 21, 2020

The 1981 Listening Post - Clock DVA - Thirst

 Clock DVA - Thirst


January 24 1981

Clock DVA


Genre: Experidustrial

2 out of 5

When you are an experimental, post-punk, funkIndustrial band, I guess I understand the logic of starting off with pure ambient nonsense. You want to challenge your audience; dare them to even stick around to see if anything ever takes off.

I stuck around. And I didn’t want to. I almost tossed this into the virtual trash heap and boy am I glad I didn’t!

Just kidding. Clock DVA is another in a long line (think Eyeless in Gaza) of musicians who think they its their duty to demonstrate societal ills and psychological abnormalities. 

I get it. Adolph Newton is sad. I’m glad he has an outlet, I guess. But I feel worse for being stuck in a room with him. 

The shame of it is, there’s some stuff that gets close to Throbbing Gristle and the first Pop Group record but the group’s own aesthetic gets in their way. 

We don’t get anything near an actual song until the single “4 Hours” and I feel like they are betraying themselves in order to sell their record. They don’t want to write songs with any traditional progression. To me, it’s forced.

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