Tuesday, June 16, 2020

The 1980 Listening Post - Sham 69 - The Game

Sham 69 - The Game

by Tom Mott
Sham 69
The Game
Genre: Moon-and-June British punk
Allen’s Rating: 3 out of 5
Tom’s Rating: Rating: 3.5 

Tom’s Highlights: 
Give a Dog a Bone
In and Out 

Serviceable sing-along punk with simple lyrics and strong power chords that doesn't move the needle forward.

This feels like the "punk" equivalent of Twisted Sister: straight-ahead catchy, melodic, sing-alongs, maybe knocked off in weekend with a lot of beer. Not as interesting as Sex Pistols or X. Not as funny as Toy Dolls or Dickies. But it's fine! It's a pub-rockin' Give 'Em Enough Rope. The guitar riffs and solos are strong: crisp, clean, melodic. I like it better than Black Flag. But I like everything better than Black Flag. I like it better than Bon Jovi too!

1. The Game - almost good
2. Human Zoo - forgettable
3. Lord of the Flies - cliche
4. Give a Dog a Bone - some solid power chords and guitar solos. Thumbs up!
5. In and Out - saxophones appear and now they're sound like The Saints. Worth another listen.
6. Tell the Children - more saxes. Dig those saxes! Punk sax is always a good thing.
7. Spray It On the Wall - aiming to be an anthem but falls short. I like the guitarist! 
8. Dead or Alive - It's fine.
9. Simon - Change of pace. Strong bass line, acoustic guitars. No new tale to tell! No new tale to tell! 
10. Deja Vu - I've heard this all before.
11. Poor Cow - Mick Jagger remaking "Lady Jane" as 70s yacht rock
12. Run Wild Run Free - You could've told me this was a Clash B-side from 1978.

I want to like it better than I do. It would probably get better on repeated listenings, but then again doesn't everything?


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