Tuesday, June 16, 2020

The 1980 Listening Post - Fred Frith - Gravity

Fred Frith - Gravity

1980 Housekeeping
Fred Frith
Genre: Experimental
4.25 out of 5

Spring Any Day Now
Hand of the Juggler

Requisite 80s cover: “Dancing in the Street”. Hey, The Residents did Satisfaction, so this one makes sense, even though Jagger didn’t cover it for a few years after Fred basically did a Residents dance all over it. 

What came first, the Residents or the Frith? 
I mean, it’s sort of obvious that they are virtually interchangeable, yes? No? Frith collaborated with the Residents in the 70s and I am sure contributed to the sounds on their best records, Eskimo and Mark of the Mole. Maybe even the brilliant Commercial Album.
But, this is not that. This is wildly accessible. It’s meditations and examinations of dance music through experimental filter. The Residents would eschew this entirely, it wouldn’t fit into their idiom. Surely, there are touches of that experimentation all over this thing but, it’s not off putting. It’s challenging, yes, but stuff like should be. 

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