Thursday, June 18, 2020

The 1980 Listening Post - Australian Crawl -The Boys Light Up

Australian Crawl -The Boys Light Up

April 1980
Australian Crawl
The Boys Light Up
Genre: Australian Rock
3.5 out of 5

Way I’ve Been

You know how we talk about that elusive but palpable component that makes Canadian rock shimmer and gleam, even when it’s not that great? There’s something similar Down Under. But it’s not shimmery and it doesn’t glisten but it all has some sort of similarity (alliteration, baby!!). A lot of it (that’s not Nick Cave) sounds like musicians that grew up listening to one kind of music and then, instead of trying to recreate it, just let it inform everything they do. 
So, you end up with Australian Crawl, a band that sounds like what Doug and the Slugs would have sounded like if they weren’t Canadian. Ha! See that? Didn’t know where I was going with it, huh?
Canada’s sheen gave us the great Doug Bennet and crew. Australia’s gave us this. It’s not bad, but it ain’t no Doug & the Slugs. More like Kevin and the Koalas. 

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