Thursday, June 18, 2020

The 1980 Listening Post - The Cure - Seventeen Seconds

The Cure - Seventeen Seconds

April 22 1980
The Cure
Seventeen Seconds
Genre: Goth Rock
Allen’s Rating: 5 out of 5
Lori’s Rating: 4.5/5

Allen’s Highlights:
Play for Today
A Forest
Seventeen Seconds

Lori’s Highlights: 
A Forest
At Night
In Your House

Disclaimer:  I'm a YUUUGE Cure Fan, so this may be biased.  This is the kind of record that is like a painting; it's just best to listen to the thing as a whole, and the more you hear it the more it grows on you.  I can appreciate this especially for the insight into The Cure's progression.  It's a new lineup and it does at time sound tentative, but that pays off.  'A Reflection' is an instrumental and with a voice like Robert Smith's you'd wonder, "what's that about?" but it's an introduction to the rest of the minimalist and experimental tone of the record.  A 'warm up stretch' if you will (and you will).   Somehow, Smith (King of the Minor Chord) manages to make an artsy, sparse and kinda scary album sound like it should be the soundtrack to a Ghost Prom, it's haunted but, yeah, it still ROCKS and somehow retains a danceable quality.  It's like if dread and fog combined to make a sound but also wanted to go to a party.  The lyrics to In Your House are great; I can't tell if it's about a stalker, a broken hearted lover, or a murderer.  But who cares with a beat like that?  This album teeters on creepy but it's just too interesting.  On another note, not to start a fight or anything, but if Lovecats (not on this album) could be included in the next CATS remake, I think that would be a real game changer.  Poor CATS.  Anyway,  I can't be the only person to have thought of this.

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