Wednesday, March 11, 2020

The 1986 Listening Post - Duran Duran - Notorious

Duran Duran - Notorious

November 18 1986
Duran Duran
Genre: How the mighty have fallen
2.5 out of 5

Anybody here remember Trouser Press? 
I know this was a mistake but, by dint of picking up an issue with Adam Ant on the cover I was convinced that TP was a music mag alternative to Rolling Stone. It was just better, is all. I was disabused of this notion when The Who was on the cover and there was a feature article on Martin Briley’s Fear of the Unknown (which is a stellar 5 star record but is power pop, not alt.)
That isn’t totally fair because TP was where all the nascent New Wave and punk bands advertised. In retrospect that might have been because it was cheaper to advertise. But it’s where I heard of a bunch of bands for the first time, like Duran Duran. 
I recall TP doing an article on “New Romantics” and featuring DD. There might have been a DD flexi-disc but I didn’t subscribe until later so I didn’t get one. (I DID get my “A.N.T.S.” single, though! Played the crap out of that.)
So, Duran had a lot of cred with indie kids like me, enough that I looked past their obvious dance club leanings. I grew up during “Disco Sucks” but I didn’t really get what that was about and, in retrospect, it was really dumb, man. And Disco never went away, anyway. 
I guess, after listening to their records and now this one, that Duran Duran was always just a dance band dressed up in different clothing. 
Welp, that’s a lot of words to say this ain’t a very good rekkid by a bunch of guys who don’t really fit in to either camp, alternative or dance, so you end up with middling junk like Notorious. 

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