Wednesday, March 11, 2020

The 1986 Listening Post - The Damned - Anything

The Damned - Anything

December 5 1986
The Damned
Genre: Man, they went full Goth, huh?
4 out of 5

Alone Again Or
In Dulce Decorum
Tightrope Walk

“Alone Again Or” sounds like something not quite The Damned and more like what Love & Rockets will become or what The Moody Blues could never bring themselves to be, which is overcome their unctuousness to merge the lush with the rock energy. 
The variety on this thing, from the instrumental piano of “The Portrait” to the merry go rounding of “Gigolo” reminds me a lot of Queen. I think this album gets castigated more undeservedly than it should. I think t’s titled Anything because that’s what they threw in here. Anything. 
It’s not Machine Gun Etiquette great and it certainly might have turned off Damned fans but I found a lot to like in here. 
The old Damned is there, too, right at the end with “Psychomania” but even that is slicked up. 
I liked this record. 

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