Wednesday, March 11, 2020

The 1986 Listening Post - Cheap Trick - The Doctor

Cheap Trick - The Doctor

November 1986
Cheap Trick
The Doctor
Genre: Glam Rock
2.5 out of 5

It’s Up to You
Rearview Mirror Romance

“Kiss Me Red”. Wow, what a bad Billy Steinberg song. Why is it here?
“Good Girls Go To Heaven (Bad Girls Go Everywhere)”….just a crappy song.

Can we/should we separate the songs from the production? Because right off the top this is more energetic than most rock albums that we’ve heard of the era and certainly wants to kick past Trick’s ass. But the flat sound, awful mix and terrible use of synths and production tricks really seem hell bent of killing anything of value here. 
The Doctor is the most maligned in CT’s catalog and for that reason I eschewed it. Which is a damned shame because I can hear what “The Doctor” wanted to be and even “Are You Lonely Tonight”. 

The Doctor is one of those records that make you say, “Even shitty Cheap Trick is worth your time.”.

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