Wednesday, March 11, 2020

The 1986 Listening Post - Danny Wilde - The Boyfriend

Danny Wilde - The Boyfriend

1986 Housekeeping
Danny Wilde
The Boyfriend
Genre: Rock
3.75 out of 5

Angel (This Must Be Heaven)

How much money do you think has been earned off The Rembrandts’ “I’ll Be There for You”. Tons, right? I mean, it must be the most played theme song in television history. And they surely earn royalties off it, yes? I mean, the designer of the set for Cheers somehow negotiated residuals for that work (I read that in Warren Littlefield’s book). 
I bring this up because Danny Wilde is one of writers of that song and I only slightly investigated The Rembrandts’ other work and was left wanting. So, I was actually kind of excited to see that Wilde had an album in 86. 
It also leaves me wanting. It’s a little bit Mellencamp, or Tommy Tutone or Kihn or, well, you get the idea. Toss a brick and hit one in the era. 

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