Monday, August 19, 2019

The 1985 Listening Post - Scattered Order - Career of the Silly Thing

Scattered Order - Career of the Silly Thing

October 1985
Scattered Order
Career of the Silly Thing
Genre: Industrial…funk?
4.25 out of 5

Cut You Up
The Galaxy is Dead

The best I can come up simile-wise is…imagine if PiL were more funk inclined and enjoyed jamming with light synths and the occasional industrial pounding sound effect.
I dunno. Is this what burnout feels like? 413 records in to 1985 and I’m not sure I’ve learned anything except there was a shit ton of music released that year and the cream rose and the chaff chaffed. 

You know what? This is one of those records that I would normally lobby to pass on and turns out to be a really interesting experience. Imagine if The Residents were actually trying to sound like a rock band. That’s the vibe I get here. As I moved through it, it grew on me more and more.
I kind of lost track of what song was what since nothing is labelled here but, I really dug this, nonetheless.

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