Monday, August 5, 2019

The 1985 Listening Post - Charlie Sexton - Pictures for Pleasure

Charlie Sexton - Pictures for Pleasure

1985 Housekeeping
Charlie Sexton
Pictures for Pleasure
Genre: Rock
3.75 out of 5

Beat’s So Lonely
Hold Me

This guy was 16 when he recorded this? I mean, I’d heard the name but never the music or the lore. 
what the hell?
The Bryan Adams meets The Cars of “Beat’s So Lonely” is a track I completely forgot. His guitar prodigiousness arrives in the solo of “Hold Me’. It’s concise and devastating. But, he’s subdued. If he’s such a prodigy why layer him in synths and pouring electric drums?
He also sounds like someone trying to impersonate David Bowie impersonating Elvis Presley. And I mean that as a compliment. 
Dammit, there’s so much to tear apart here but it’s a very good first attempt at AOR. 
By the end, though, it loses it’s steam and become rather pedestrian. Good 3/4, though.

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