Friday, August 30, 2019

The 1985 Listening Post - Sacred Rite - The Ritual

Sacred Rite - The Ritual

1985 Housekeeping
Sacred Rite
The Ritual
Genre: Metal
2.5 out of 5

Ok. Here’s another one. Flying fingers, soaring vocals, thumpety-bass and songs ado about nothing. Or the Devil. Or sex. Or something. I don’t loathe and detest it but why do I need this when I have……100 other albums just like it?
It’s weird, the second side of this record is all live cuts of some new tracks and some from the previous record. I get it. They were trying. It’s hard out there for an 80s metal band. 
A lot of what this band is trying to do was covered by Queen on their first album 12 years before and many other bands before them. 

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