Saturday, August 10, 2019

The 1985 Listening Post - Joe Lynn Turner - Rescue You

Joe Lynn Turner - Rescue You

1985 Housekeeping
Joe Lynn Turner
Rescue You
Genre: Rock
2 out of 5

Ugh. I gotta write something, right?
I completely forgot this was on. My brain checked in again when I saw a song named “Young Heart” and I was so hoping it was the Rod Stewart song. It wasn’t. And that song is named “Young Turks” for some stupid reason and it’s still better than this. And then I had that song in my head for the duration of this garbage song.
Then I did some laundry. Made some breakfast. Ate said breakfast and heard “Rescue You” and thought it was “Run to You” cuz that’s what it sounds like and, while it’s not, it made me long for that song. 
This is late 70s power rock dressed up in 80s clothes and sold to……no one. 

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