Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Listening Post: Bon Jovi - Lost Highway

And so we come to the end of another Listening Post. With Lost Highway we have traversed more than a quarter century of pure MOR.
Thanks for sticking it out with me.

Bon Jovi - Lost Highway - 2007
(Buy it)

To paraphrase Captain Kirk in Wrath of Khan: "I'll say this for them, they're persistent" and consistent.
The formula is in place and no one is straying. The only experimentation is the calculated ripping off of what's hot. In this case, the hottest thing going in America is Carrie Underwood so, Bon Jovi is now a "Nashville influenced" Rock band. This means adding a do-bro, some drawl, more tambourine (just a touch) and some arpeggiating.
Other than that, what's to say? These guys just keep pluggng along, the lone survivors of the 80s glam metal, carrying the torch of arena rock and doing it well. They ride the middle of that road so hard there is a trench where the white line used to be.
The duet with Leanne Rhimes, "We Ain't Strangers Anymore" might have been okay, but I can't help but feel pandered to. Like they just know they will sell x number of records with a country ballad duet and that pisses me off.
It's hard to condemn something that is basically harmless. It isn't great but it's fine if you are on a long drive somewhere, or want something on in the background while you do your taxes.

Grade B

A Side: Lost Highway
Blindside: We Got it Going On
Downside: One Step Closer. I am officially over JBJ's lovestruck whiny balladeering.

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