Saturday, February 19, 2022

The 1981 Listening Post - Ph. D - Ph. D

Ph. D - Ph. D 

1981 Housekeeping



Genre: Synth Rock

3.25 out of 5


Little Suzi’s On the Up

Remember Tesla’s version of this single? Spectacular. The merging of synthetic instruments with the gravelly rock voice of Jim Diamond actually sort of really works. This is the ascending time Asia and all the big synthRock bands. Personally I equate the synth sounds with more welcoming vocals, less assertive, more…Kajagoogoo. 

But the true colors of this group come out in the second singe, “I Won’t Let You Down”. They secretly want to be balladeers. And prog rockers. And splitting those two hairs result in diminished returns. What we get is a pretty unctuous album and they were treading thin ice to begin with, considering their name. 

Might as well get a corvette with the license plate that says “MENSA”. (My stepfather did this, btw, unctuous prick)

An argument could be made that stuff like “Up Down” represents the future of dance prog synth that is on the horizon and, given the success overseas of this record, I think I would win that argument.

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