Wednesday, February 23, 2022

The 1981 Listening Post - The Twins - Passion Factory

 The Twins - Passion Factory


August 31 1981

The Twins

Passion Factory

Genre: What Hath Gary Numan Wrought?

What would happen if Weird Al Yankovic decided to put out an album of style parodies and all of it was Gary Numan but none of the songs were humorous on purpose?

That’s this record. 

And I really really wanted to like it. But I don’t. And it has me wondering…would I have enjoyed this in 1981? Or, and this has me even more curious, would I have loved Gary Numan’s holy troika if I heard it today for the first time? And if it’s true that I would not have liked either had I heard them for the first time this year, would I even have liked Gary back in the day had I not been exposed to him by the girl I had a crush on? 

There are factors that play in to music and why we like it. Memories. Emotions. Situations. 

Music is like smells, they bring you back to times and places. 

So, could I even be objective about Gary knowing how he came in to my life? It’s impossible to know. I can listen to Replicas/The Pleasure Principle/Telekon any time of the day/week/year. 

But this feels wrong to me. And that has me wondering. 

“Satellite City” sounds like it fell off the outtakes for Pleasure Principle.

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